Water research from source-to-tap. Literally.
Advancing Fundamental Water Science
A “black box” approach to water science can be useful for observing phenomena, but it only goes so far. Explaining the mechanisms that produce these phenomena takes us further, and this knowledge can be applied (and re-applied) in both natural and engineered systems because the science is frequently the same, but the constraints are different.
Innovating Water Treatment Technology
A solid basis in fundamental processes and mechanisms relevant to water science expedites natural and engineered technology optimization and development. Rigorous quantitative analysis, multi-scale investigation, and advanced data processing expedite it even more.
Leading the Development of Water Policy
Whether for industry or society, science-based decision-making requires both science and decision support tools for assessing impacts of action/inaction and the relative costs/benefits of that action/inaction.
Meet Our Core Team
The Water STP Group is a trans-disciplinary collaboration between university professors and scientists working in close partnership with industry, government, and academia on a wide range of water projects in Canada and internationally.