Drinking Water

Prevention of Childhood Lead Toxicity-1 µg/L maximum in school water fountains

Hi all…tucked away on page 11 in this ‘Pediatrics’ journal Policy Statement is a recommendation by the American Pediatric Society that: “State and local governments should take steps to ensure that water fountains in schools do not exceed water lead concentrations of 1 ppb (1 µg/L).” It seems this is attracting media attention south of [...]

Salinity of deep groundwater in California: Water quantity, quality, and protection

Hi all…an open access paper published today in PNAS reports that studies of deep groundwater indicate “that California’s Central Valley alone has close to three times the volume of fresh groundwater and four times the volume of underground sources of drinking water (USDWs) than previous estimates suggest.” Great news, but they then point out that [...]

Detection of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Source and Drinking Water Samples from a First Nation Community in Canada

Hi all…Information on drinking water quality issues in First Nation Communities in the refereed literature is very sparse. An accepted manuscript has just appeared in the journal ‘Applied and Environmental Microbiology’ documenting some testing in one such community. What I found interesting is that while water leaving the treatment plant was free of total coliforms [...]

By |2019-08-15T16:15:27-04:00June 17th, 2016|Drinking Water, Papers & Articles|0 Comments

Adhesion and Decontamination of Biological Contaminants in Drinking Water Distribution Systems

Hi all…hidden within this article is some information on the potential fate of 3 intentionally introduced toxins in distribution systems. The main focus of the study is an assessment of how various pathogens/toxins may attach to different pipe materials. The biocidal ability of copper in particular is confirmed and there  is some good information on [...]

EPA Issues Health Advisory Level for Perfluorinated Compounds in Drinking Water

The USEPA has released health advisories for the perfluorinated compounds perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). As far as I am aware, there are no advisories, guidelines, or standards in Canada at this time. They are very difficult to remove from drinking water.

Toxic cyanobacteria and drinking water: Impacts, detection, and treatment

Hi all…as this year’s cyanotoxin season draws near, a review article entitled “Toxic cyanobacteria and drinking water: Impacts, detection, and treatment” has just appeared in print. The authors state “this paper synthesizes and updates a number of previous review articles on various aspects of this multi-barrier approach in order to provide a holistic resource for [...]

By |2019-08-16T09:11:54-04:00May 17th, 2016|Drinking Water, Papers & Articles, Pathogens|0 Comments

Norovirus outbreak traced to bottled water

Hi all...I've been made aware of an article describing a norovirus outbreak in northeastern Spain in April which made in excess of 4,000 Barcelona and Tarragona consumers ill. The water was distributed to hundreds of companies with water dispensers used by employees. Catalan health authorities claim that "This is the first time in recorded history that [...]

By |2019-08-16T09:14:02-04:00May 13th, 2016|Drinking Water, Papers & Articles, Pathogens|0 Comments

Evaluation of exposure to lead from drinking water in large buildings

Hi all… a new study on lead in drinking water has just been published in the journal Water Research. A total of 78,971 water samples collected in four Canadian provinces from elementary schools, daycares, and other large buildings were analyzed for lead. The authors anticipate that “lead at the tap would not contribute to elevated blood [...]

Fungi in biofilms of drinking water network AND Domestic shower hose biofilms contain fungal species capable of causing opportunistic infection

Hi all…information on fungi in drinking water distribution systems continues to be scarce.  As far as I am aware, there are no guidelines or regulations anywhere and it remains unclear as to whether or not their presence is necessarily indicative of a risk to human health. In a recent study (below) the authors report that [...]

By |2019-08-16T09:18:46-04:00April 26th, 2016|Drinking Water, Papers & Articles, Pathogens|0 Comments

Flint Water Advisory Task Force-Final Report has been released

Hi all...the final report of the Flint Water Advisory Task Force is now available on-line at no cost. The 116 page report is a bit difficult to quickly summarize; on the plus side, it’s very comprehensive. The task force arrived at 36 findings and has provided 42 recommendations for a variety of agencies/governing bodies. I found the [...]

By |2019-08-16T09:20:58-04:00April 4th, 2016|Drinking Water, Papers & Articles|0 Comments
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