Papers & Articles

Environmental Transport of Emerging Human-Pathogenic Cryptosporidium Species and Subtypes through Combined Sewer Overflow and Wastewater

Hi all…just when I thought we had a pretty good handle on protozoan pathogens, a new survey in Shanghai reveals that there are new species being identified in wastewater and combined sewer overflows. Not only are there some such as Enterocytozoon bieneusi that aren’t monitored for in North America but there are new species of Cryptosporidium and Giardia which in some cases [...]

By |2019-08-15T10:39:01-04:00August 3rd, 2017|Papers & Articles, Pathogens|0 Comments

Ecophysiological Examination of the Lake Erie Microcystis Bloom in 2014: Linkages between Biology and the Water Supply Shutdown of Toledo

Hi all…in a follow-up study on the Toledo Ohio 2014 Microcystis bloom event which led to a “do not drink advisory” for more than 400,000 residents,researchers have reported that a virus may have been involved in the crisis and they warn that for utilities prone to experiencing such blooms that more stringent raw water monitoring may [...]

Cause of rapid monochloramine decay observed in treated water

Hi all…while there is some information on the effects of backwashing drinking water biofilters with chlorinated water, there are very few papers on backwashing such biofilters with chloraminated water. In a just published paper in WST: Water Supply researchers trying to determine the cause of rapid monochloramine decay observed in treated water concluded that “backwashing of media filters with [...]

From source to filter: changes in bacterial community composition during potable water treatment

Hi all…with advancements in molecular methods/genomics, microbial surveys are becoming much more affordable and are showing up in the literature more frequently. Since the adoption of biological filtration there has been strong interest in the bacterial consortia found in such filters. In a recent study in Saskatchewan researchers used 16S rRNA profiling to describe the [...]

Methodological approaches for monitoring opportunistic pathogens in premise plumbing: A review

Hi all…a new review on monitoring for opportunistic pathogens in premise plumbing has appeared in the journal ‘Water Research’. It includes information on bacterial pathogens (notably Legionella) but it also deals with a couple of protozoans including Naegleria fowleri which is the causative agent of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, a rare but particularly lethal disease with a very low [...]

By |2019-08-15T10:47:16-04:00May 4th, 2017|Papers & Articles, Pathogens|0 Comments

Evaluation of Lead Service Line Lining and Coating Technologies

Hi all…a new Water Research Foundation (WRF) report entitled “Evaluation of Lead Service Line Lining and Coating Technologies - 4351” has been released and is available for free download. The 331 page report evaluated a number of technologies as alternatives to full or partial lead service line (LSL) replacement, and as a means of protecting and repairing [...]

By |2019-08-15T10:48:59-04:00April 18th, 2017|Distribution Systems, Papers & Articles|0 Comments

Salting our freshwater lakes

Hi all…some of you may have seen the CBC News story on an article entitled “Salting our freshwater lakes” which appeared in journal ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)’ yesterday. The article presents evidence to suggest that increasing chloride levels may eventually be a threat to drinking [...]

By |2019-08-15T10:50:33-04:00April 12th, 2017|Papers & Articles, Source Water Protection|0 Comments

Recently released study associates nitrates with bladder cancer in women

Hi all…nitrate and nitrate in drinking water have been regulated for quite some time now (Health Canada guidelines: MAC = 10 mg/L measured as nitrate-nitrogen and 1 mg/L measured as nitrite-nitrogen). The primary concern which led to regulations/guidelines is methaemoglobinemia and not a cancer endpoint. A recent study concludes long-term ingestion of elevated nitrate in drinking water [...]

Sampling Guidance for Unknown Contaminants in Drinking Water-new USEPA report

Hi all…The USEPA released a report in Feb 2017 entitled “Sampling Guidance for Unknown Contaminants in Drinking Water.” If you’re like me, it’s one of those reports that probably won’t make it to the top of your reading list until you really need it. You can save some time during a contamination event by downloading it [...]

By |2019-08-15T10:57:19-04:00March 2nd, 2017|Emerging Contaminants, Papers & Articles|0 Comments

Revised World Health Organization drinking water guidelines

Hi all…do you want to know how guidelines/standards in your jurisdiction compare to those of the WHO? Well the WHO has recently revised several drinking water related guidelines and they are all available for free download as indicated below. And on the topic of drinking water guidelines, Health Canada has one active request for public [...]

By |2019-08-15T11:01:59-04:00February 27th, 2017|Papers & Articles, Regulations|0 Comments
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