Water Treatment

Management of Legionella in Water Systems (2019)

The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine were asked by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to address the state of the science with regard to Legionella including its ecology, disease diagnosis, amplification within water systems, quantification, prevention and control, policy and guidance, and all associated research needs.

Cyanobacteria and their toxins in Canadian waters: guidelines from Health Canada Webinar

Health Canada is hosting a webinar entitled “Cyanobacteria and their toxins in Canadian waters: guidelines from Health Canada” on Jan 13 presenting the updated Guideline for Canadian Drinking Water Quality on Cyanobacterial Toxins.

By |2019-12-19T13:38:03-05:00December 19th, 2019|Drinking Water, Pathogens, Regulations, Water Treatment|0 Comments

Understanding lead in water and avoidance strategies: a United States perspective for informed decision-making

In this article, the authors indicate that they have developed an “oversimplified ‘lead in water equation’ to explain key variables controlling the presence of lead in drinking water to better inform public health practitioners, government officials, utility personnel, and concerned residents.”

By |2019-11-29T09:24:13-05:00November 29th, 2019|Drinking Water, Papers & Articles, Water Treatment|0 Comments

Two papers-Application of UV-LED to Full-Scale Drinking Water Disinfection—-UV LED Water Disinfection-Validation and Small System Demonstration

Two papers on full-scale/demonstration-scale evaluations of UV-LED for disinfection have been recently published (below). Both tested the world's first commercial UVC LED water disinfection reactor (the PearlAqua by Aquisense) and successfully demonstrated “proof-of-concept for the application of UVC LEDs for municipal water treatment.” UV LED technology continues to be a promising alternative to UV mercury lamp-based systems.

Cause of rapid monochloramine decay observed in treated water

Hi all…while there is some information on the effects of backwashing drinking water biofilters with chlorinated water, there are very few papers on backwashing such biofilters with chloraminated water. In a just published paper in WST: Water Supply researchers trying to determine the cause of rapid monochloramine decay observed in treated water concluded that “backwashing of media filters with [...]

From source to filter: changes in bacterial community composition during potable water treatment

Hi all…with advancements in molecular methods/genomics, microbial surveys are becoming much more affordable and are showing up in the literature more frequently. Since the adoption of biological filtration there has been strong interest in the bacterial consortia found in such filters. In a recent study in Saskatchewan researchers used 16S rRNA profiling to describe the [...]

Assessment of human virus removal during municipal wastewater treatment in Edmonton, Canada

Hi all…in the first paper of its kind that I’m aware of, a comprehensive study to assess the presence and removal of viruses through a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant in Canada has been published. The authors report that “Seven viruses including Norovirus, Rotavirus , Sapovirus, Astrovirus, Adenovirus, Enterovirus, and JC virus were detected in [...]

CTV News presents segment on drinking water treatment and distribution in the Region of Waterloo

Hi all…On the 6:00 and 11:30 newscasts last night, CTV Kitchener aired a story on ‘Where your water comes from’ featuring an interview with Tim Walton of the Region of Waterloo. It doesn’t appear to have been motivated by problems other than perhaps an awareness of the Flint lead contamination situation (seems more informative than [...]

Scenario-based QMRA to Evaluate Robustness of a DWTP and Application of QMRA at 17 Canadian Water Treatment Facilities

Hi all…a couple of quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) articles with a Canadian focus have appeared on-line over the past few months, both having used the Health Canada QMRA model. The first, an article from our research Chair, has just appeared as an uncorrected proof in the Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. It is [...]

By |2019-08-16T09:36:07-04:00February 23rd, 2016|Drinking Water, Papers & Articles, Water Treatment|0 Comments
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