Stay in the know on all things drinking water
Dr. William B. Anderson is a Research Associate Professor and the Associate Director of the Water Science, Technology & Policy Group at the University of Waterloo. He has been active in drinking water quality and treatment research for more than 40 years, recently focusing on pathogen identification/removal/inactivation, assessment of adsorbed and desorption of contaminants on microplastics, better understanding of the role of colloidal nutrients on cyanobacterial growth in drinking water reservoirs, perfluorinated compounds, and biological filtration.
The past 15 years, Bill has maintained an email service drawing attention to items of interest to drinking water professionals including, for example, the latest research articles, regulatory updates, outbreak reports, topical issues, and media stories. Bill’s email service has expanded over time to include all interested individuals. These emails are now also archived here in a blog format as they are released, which can be explored by category or simply by scrolling through the posts below.
If you would like to join Bill’s email list for updates straight to your inbox, you can send an email to Bill to be added to the list.
Ecophysiological Examination of the Lake Erie Microcystis Bloom in 2014: Linkages between Biology and the Water Supply Shutdown of Toledo
Hi all…in a follow-up study on the Toledo Ohio 2014 [...]
Cause of rapid monochloramine decay observed in treated water
Hi all…while there is some information on the effects of [...]
From source to filter: changes in bacterial community composition during potable water treatment
Hi all…with advancements in molecular methods/genomics, microbial surveys are becoming [...]
Methodological approaches for monitoring opportunistic pathogens in premise plumbing: A review
Hi all…a new review on monitoring for opportunistic pathogens in [...]
Evaluation of Lead Service Line Lining and Coating Technologies
Hi all…a new Water Research Foundation (WRF) report entitled “Evaluation [...]
Salting our freshwater lakes
Hi all…some of you may have seen the CBC News [...]