Hi all…Health Canada has made available a draft of “Guidance on Monitoring the Biological Stability of Drinking Water in Distribution Systems” for a 90-day public consultation period.


Purpose of consultation “This document has been developed with the intent to provide regulatory authorities and decision-makers with guidance on monitoring the biological stability of drinking water in distribution systems.”


Executive summary “The drinking water distribution system is the last protective barrier before the consumers’ tap. A well-maintained and operated distribution system is therefore a critical component of providing safe drinking water. In order to maintain water quality in the distribution system, it is essential to understand when changes occur. This understanding is achieved through the use of routine monitoring aimed at assessing the biological stability of water in the distribution system. Health Canada completed its review of biological stability of drinking water in distribution systems. This guidance document was prepared in collaboration with the Federal Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water and describes the significance of biological stability in drinking water distribution systems, monitoring approaches and best practices designed to ensure safe drinking water.”

Comments are due on Oct 16. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/programs/consultation-guidance-biological-stability-water-distribution-systems.html
