Hi all…The Water research Foundation (WRF) has announced that an updated 6 min video to help Canadian water utilities communicate about emerging contaminants is now available at no cost. The video, Protecting Our Drinking Water, is geared toward Canadian audiences and is available for Canadian utilities to link to or to post on their own websites. The narrated animation provides context about emerging contaminants in drinking water.

“The video is related to the project, Core Messages for Chromium, Medicines and Personal Care Products, NDMA, and VOCs (#4457), originally published in 2015. Other deliverables from this project included the following:

  • Core Message sheets — question-and-answer articles that utilities can use to communicate with their customers. Utilities can print these sheets and provide them to their customers directly or link to them from their websites.
  • Technical Briefs — background technical information sheets that provide succinct information about occurrence, toxicity, and treatment efficacy for each of the substances, so water utilities are prepared, should a question or concern arise.”

I watched it and it is pitched at an appropriate level for consumers and it explains the drinking water ‘regulatory’ environment in Canada quite well. It seems like something that would be appropriate for water provider websites.
